Do you represent a wine travel destination, DMC, wine tour operator or wine tourism brand you would like to promote to Winekeller readers and followers?
Are you interested in reaching wine lovers and wine travel enthusiasts who are seeking travel inspiration and help in tour itinerary planning to enjoy a wine tour which delivers a truly authentic and immersive experience in the world’s wine growing regions?
If so then read on….
Our goals are simple:
To help enable people to explore their passions for wine travel and to enjoy immersive, memorable, authentic experiences
To promote and bring attention to the fantastic wine tourism experiences offered by the world’s wine regions
To help promote the smaller, artisan wine producers around the world, whose amazing wines might otherwise remain undiscovered
To, wherever possible, shine a light on organic and sustainable farming and winemaking
Why work with us?
Passion for what we do
We are passionate about wine travel and shining a light on wonderful wine tourism experiences. We love to share our experiences and help others create their own incredible wine travel experiences.
Authenticity is key
We don’t just research experiences, we live them, record them and share them.
We will always be honest and authentic ourselves.
We discover and share authentic wine travel experiences, enabling people to get under the skin of the wine region, to see behind the label of its wines.
We understand wine
We are both WSET (Wine & Spirits Education Trust) trained and gained much wine knowledge and experience of working with winemakers in the world’s wine regions whilst running our successful wine importing business, The Wine Keller.
We understand tourism
We have lots of experience planning, organising and delivering bespoke wine tours for some of the world’s leading sommeliers, as well as individual customers, private groups and of course ourselves, which we share via our blog. In addition, we have years of experience, working across Europe in the travel and tourism industry.
Sales and marketing professionals
Our corporate life backgrounds mean we are experienced in collaborating, we understand how partnerships best function, we’re professional, resourceful and responsive and we’re good at digital ‘stuff’ and storytelling!
Ways we can collaborate
Ways we can collaborate 〰️
Press & familiarisation trips:
Invite us to experience your wine tourism destination and we will share and promote this with our audience across our multiple channels.
Local wine tour partners:
Where the fit is right we partner with local tour operators and/or DMCs who are experts at providing wine tours in their regions.
Destination & product reviews:
We can provide engaging - but always honest - feedback about your product or destination which we can both promote across our channels.
Copywriting, photography, content:
We can help you develop high quality, stand-out brand or lead generation content and an appropriate marketing and promotion plan to help get your message across.
Guest content writers & contributors:
We are always interested in guest writers and contributors - as long as your values and style match ours and the content is relevant!
Brand ambassadorships:
We welcome working with brands whose goals and values align with ours - where there’s symmetry we can collaborate on mutually beneficial partner programmes.
Media opportunities:
We can run ads and offer discounts and special promotions for your products - again, as long as the fit is right!
Get in touch
Contact us by completing the simple form below and let’s chat about what we can do together!